Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Science or humanities? Psychology or journalism?

So we've finally come to that part of of our lives(my class-mates and I) where we are being bombarded with lectures on how we might not pass and end up in the same class if we flunk one of the major subjects.This info. is not really new but the way in which they are trying to drill it into our brains is aweful. The cloud of misery could actually be seen hanging over our heads as Our Science Teacher told us about the division between the science and humanities group. God1 I can not even decide what to take and which subjects to drop.........

Am I more into psychology? or Do i want to do journalism? What about corporate Law? ARGHHHHHHH
i could actually keep this decision for later by taking Biology and all the humanities subjects.......because doing psychology requires biology and not the other science fields. And humanities will keep the option open for other fields........sigh......
The problem is: I have to pass all the subjects. I've never flunked a subject ever before but i'm still scared like hell....u never know....OMG!

I feel older.Older and more mature. I don;t know why though.

"The best thing about egoists is that they don't talk about other people"
hmm sooo true but then they only talk about themselves......and if they didn't they wouldn't be egoists.......and if they aren't egoists , they'll talk about other people....and then they'lll be bad!hmmmmm. Why is the other option for anything , an extreme?
Why do we see more extremists? Either toooo conventional or tooo modern....Why can't we find normal human beoings who are neither egoists nor back-biters? hmmmm

While i was eating a little while ago, one of my weird food-cravings.....
I saw an article on this bit of paper in which the naan was covered.....It was about "Emotions going electronic" or something like that.
In it the person was commenting on how we are becoming more and more machine-oriented. Though she didn't sound like she was against the whole chatting and emoticons dramam i feel it is going out of control. Example is myself. One day of not sitting on this chair and yours truly feels so incomplete............
Chatting makes you more awkward when you are talking to people live.....Is this true? I hope not.....One of my strengths: I can talk to people easily....don't want that to go! But maybe yeah....
Chating is very effective when when you want to say somewthing terrible and hurtful because you never se ethe persons reaction to make you feel guilty....you never know....i might be crying at this moment but apperaing calm and normal when you're reading this....the wonders of the internet...............

science or humanities? hmm? hmm?
i might do stats privately....or computers.